Saturday, April 14, 2012


Traditional Cypriot Koulouri Bread


4 ½ cups of wheat general purpose flour
½ sachet of self instant yeast
3 teaspoonful or 2 X 20grs sachets of Baking Powder
2 teaspoonful of sugar
2 ½ tablespoonfuls of Anise Seeds
1 ½ cup of lukewarm water
2 tablespoonfuls of Sesame seeds

Preparation and step by step instructions:

1) In a large plastic bowl, similar to that pictured, add 4 cups of flour (wheat flour is preferred), ½ sachet of yeast, three teaspoonfuls or 2 of 20grs sachets  of baking powder, two teaspoonfuls of sugar and  1 ½ tablespoon of Anise Seeds. Please note that if Anise Seeds are not available at your local supermarket, you can use instead the Star shape anise, also known as Star of Anise.

2)      If you do have to use Star of Anise, you will require the help of a pestle 
      and a mortar, in which you should crush the star Anise into tiny pieces. Avoid turning it into powder. Once all the above ingredients are in the bowl, you blend the powder mixture with your hand and shape it into a well.

3)      Start pouring the water in the middle of the well slowly while mixing it together until all of the powder mixture is moist and gluey.

4)      Continue this process until you have used all of the water. The dough, normally, should be sticky on your hands. Remove as much as you can from your hands. Then add ¼ cup of flour in your palms.

5)      Rub the flour in your hands on top of the bowl, so the remaining dough from your hands will drop in the bowl.

6)      Any flour that has fallen from your hands into the bowl will require kneading so that it forms into the rest of your dough preparation. If the dough is still sticky, use a bit more flour until the dough is firm and non-sticky. Continue kneading the dough until it takes the shape of a solid mass.

7)      Wet a tea towel with lukewarm water and squeeze it until the towel is slightly moist. Cover the dough for a minimum of 2 hours. During this time, the yeast will activate with the ingredients and your dough mixture will start to rise, in readiness for cooking.

8)      After the 2 hours pass, the first thing to do is turn on your oven for pre-heat at a temperature of 175oC.

9)      Uncover your dough, spread a ¼ cup of flour on your kitchen bench and put your dough on it. Knead the dough and roll it to give it a thick round oval shape. If it gives you some difficulty, it might help by putting some water onto a cooking brush and press it with your fingers on the areas of your dough that are broken, until the mass is sealed.
10)   Once it’s ready, with the cooking brush spread water on one side and sprinkle onto your uncooked dough the sesame seeds and the rest of the anise seeds. Apply on both sides and put it into your oiled baking pan. 

11)   Place your oven-ready dough into the pre-heated oven and wait for 45 minutes. As all ovens can be slightly different, it is advisable to monitor your bread’s progress during this time. To make sure that your bread is ready after the specific time passes, poke the break with a sharp pointy knife. If your knife remains clean, it’s ready. If not, give it 10 more minutes or turn off your oven and leave it there for 30 minutes to firm by itself.

Additional Tips and Advice:
Tip 1: the purpose of using lukewarm water in your dough and on your towel is to help the yeast become active. If you use cold water, then the result will not be the same.
Tip 2: if you want your bread to have a shiny appearance, instead of applying water with the cooking brush, use egg instead; this will give your bread a glowing finish.